You can sail across an ocean in almost any boat with a keel and a cabin, but some sailboats are much safer and far more comfortable than others. There are a lot of important differences between the hull of a general-purpose cruising yacht and one that’s designed and built specifically for long-distance offshore sailing. Here’s what you need to know.
Rustler 37 review by owner Tim Stevenson
Tim Stevenson’s Andrillot II was the original Rustler 37, launched in 2014 and he’s owned her ever since. “It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made,” he says. It’s quite fitting that Tim’s now owns the first Rustler 37 because her namesake, the original Andrillot – the first of Jack Laurent Giles’s famously seaworthy 25ft Vertue Class yachts, launched in 1936 – was in his family for almost 40 years.